Hello, folks! Discover my stories and creative ideas.

I'm 大林 - NLP大模型高级算法攻城狮 in Ho Chi Minh, VN
- I'm aliased as 大林 at work.
- I live in 北京.
- I was born in the beautiful 不告诉你 city.
- I landed my first job as a NLP算法工程师 in 2020.
- I started writing 公众号、知乎 from 2020.
- I'm exploring the 第二曲线 on 工作上班之外 fighting.
- You can check out my 个人介绍 and 交个朋友 coming.
I landed my first job as a NLP Algorithm Engineer in 2020.
I started writing wechat article、zhihu from 2020.
I'm exploring the second curve in addition to work.
You can check out my detailed introduction and make a friend.
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